UI labs Sim Corp Dimension software as a service Universal Investment

UI labs – Engineering tomorrow’s software for the financial industry

The technical director
for your

Independent IT service provider with many years of experience in SimCorp Dimension

As a specialist IT software services provider that offers front office solutions and products for data harmonisation, data management and customised data output, UI labs is one of leading software and consultancy groups in the industry. Additionally, UI labs is the only independent IT service provider in Europe that offers a front office platform with “software as service” (SaaS) based on SimCorp Dimension.


The front office platform customisable to your specific needs

“flowsuite” supplies wide-ranging front-office solutions that can be tailored to your client’s requirements. Its core competencies are front-office solutions offered as “software as a service” (SaaS) as well as in data warehousing, risk management, regulatory reporting, KIDs for PRIIPs, as well as MiFID/MiFIR and tax reporting in accordance with the German Investment Tax Reform (InvStRefG). Using web-based dashboards, UI labs offers clients ad-hoc analyses based on performance indicators. As part of its reporting services, it also compiles client reports including fact sheets and management reports. Naturally, all these solutions can be provided in your own corporate branding.

Your efficient portfolio management including data warehousing and reporting

SaaS solutions by UI labs based on SimCorp Dimensions software is providing you with access to a front office solution for efficient portfolio management – in all your fund mandates, irrespective of the KVGs or custodians. Additionally, flowsuite saves you time and resources. You don’t have to set up your own expensive portfolio management software. UI labs manages the maintenance and implementation of regular system updates. As a competent and experienced partner, UI labs can also configure the software to suit your individual needs and to include your corporate branding.


Front Office Solutions

Front office solution based on SimCorp Dimension provides you with a comprehensive, portfolio overview of risk, performance and other functions – without having to built your own expensive infrastructure.

Risk Manager

Our Risk Manager supplies you with all the solutions you need to identify regulatory risk indicators, using cutting-edge software in a web-based format.

Dash Board

The web-based labs.FIP dashboard helps you compile fund-specific data, time and data series, and can be accessed at any time via your PC, mobile phone or tablet.

Data Warehouse

Data warehousing gives you a global overview of your heterogeneous and distributed data – ensuring up-to-date and reliable information.


UI labs supplies regulatory reporting, PRIIPs as well as MiFIR and tax reporting. From data aggregation to reporting – along the value chain.



Reporting services are becoming increasingly important. UI labs provides you with complete management reports in your own corporate branding.


UI labs Customer Service

Customer Service

UI labs’ customer service offers several additional services on top of the products on offer. Our service team provides you with fast and competent advice in your day-to-day business.

UI labs Management Service

Management Service

UI labs also offers an extensive range of additional services. This allows you to focus exclusively on your core business and investment processes.


Let’s discuss how you can benefit most from UI labs’ IT software.
Marcus Kuntz

Marcus Kuntz

Area Head Sales & Fund Distribution

+49 69 71043 190


Andreas Gessinger

Andreas Gessinger

Area Head Relationship Management Fund Initiators

+49 69 71043 552


Further topics

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