Rule-Based Portfolio Management
Whether it's overlay management, passive portfolio management, ESG or enhanced beta strategies – rule-based portfolio management concepts can optimise returns and limit risks.
The combination of sustainability and performance is increasingly becoming a key focus in modern investment strategies.
Universal Investment offers a broad range of products and services, from standardised concepts to tailored solutions. All our portfolio management concepts can also be offered to investors whose assets are managed by other capital management companies.
Collateral pool, transition management and liquidity management complete the range of supplementary portfolio management services.
The Portfolio Management team manages totalling around 63 billion euros for institutional investors, asset managers, and external ManCos – competently, professionally, successfully, with high transparency and competitive pricing (as of December 2024).

Essential: Efficiency and Transparency
Professional portfolio management services, such as collateral pool and transition management, are key to ensuring more efficient investments. They help institutional investors manage their investments efficiently and with optimised risk and cost control – especially in transition management. Additional services include liquidity management.
Equity and Bond Mandates
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Staying on Track
Overlay Management -
Transition Management
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