Overlay Management Concepts:
Individual, Modular and Proven
Every investor has their own unique investment strategy and their own unique approach to strategic asset allocation (SAA) and their own preferred driving style. Our overlay strategies can make a significant contribution to the efficient risk management of our investors.
Modern risk management based on overlay strategies: With customised, rule-based overlay approaches that have been tested in various market phases, our portfolio management team has been providing tailored solutions for institutional investors for over 25 years. Whether as FX Overlay and
FX OverlayPLUS or with a modular approach in the areas of Risk Overlay and Risk OverlayPLUS. We ensure precise risk controlling while maintaining your investment strategy.
Overlay mandates under management (on your platform of choice as well as outsourced overlay management as an administrative KVG) total 35 billion euros. In order to stabilise portfolio performance, Universal Investment provides a comprehensive management of equity-, interest-rate-, currency- and spread-related (optional) risks, using derivatives in a separate overlay sub-segment. As a Master KVG, Universal Investment has an overview of the fund, including, for example, its FX exposure (as of December 2024).
Risk Overlay
Each overlay mandate is tailored to the investor's specific requirements
- The opportunity to participate in positive market developments, as well as to mitigate the effects of negative developments (defending the lower limit)
- The chance to react quickly and flexibly to market risks
- Risk monitoring of individual securities – including outsourced overlay management through an external asset manager (KVG)
- Modularity: separate budgets for different risk types
- The main risk categories: equity-, interest-rate- and currency-related risks
- Non- or only partly-manageable risks, including, for example, spread and overnight risks
- Dynamic risk budgeting by means of tactical signals (Risk OverlayPLUS)
- Assessment of different asset classes, risk categories and overlay specifications
- Hedge quality, risk allocation, risk budgeting
- Regulatory and governmental guidelines
- Management of risk categories either individually or as a whole
- The tailored overlay is underpinned by a customised software solution
Risk Overlay
A modular overlay approach – hedging only where necessary
- Allows a customised approach through modular concepts
- Consistent risk overlay process tailored to various risk categories
- Targeted use of derivatives: derivatives hedge risk categories rather than asset classes
- Reduces the tendency of a pro-cyclical reaction by making anti-cyclical risk budget transfers between individual budgets (Risk OverlayPLUS)
- Diversifies where appropriate and hedges risks where necessary
- Reduces the likelihood of an expensive full hedge
- Increases risk transparency, for example through performance by risk category
Risk OverlayPLUS
Overlay control logic is fine-tuned to tactical signals
- Can be used irrespective of the signal provider
- Successful cooperation with Vontobel Asset Management for more than 10 years
- Tactical signals play a fundamental, active role
- Performance harvesting through signal-dependent limits for risk budgets equity, fixed income and currency (see FX Overlay)
- Anti-cyclical, tactical re-entry into the market through signal-based budget release
- Intelligent risk budget allocation through tactical signals
Risk OverlayPLUS
There are several reasons for going off track with a portfolio. And there is a tried-and-tested way to stay on track. Not only in years with economic, political and social challenges, overlays can be very helpful but also in years that are quieter. The following simulations of 2020, 2021 and 2022 illustrates what this can look like.
The simulations based on the following strategic asset allocation (SAA): 40% global equities, 60% bonds (government bonds) Euroland, USD-EUR hedge, 8% risk budget, hedging via index futures.

- SAA with Risk OverlayPLUS: optimal downside protection (holds lower limit); larger drawdown have been avoided (max. drawdown only half as high); risk budgets have been used up
- SAA without Risk OverlayPLUS: crosses the lower limit from April, only a short recovery in July

- Upward and sideways market: no effect on SAA with Risk OverlayPLUS
- Bonds: minor difference in performance due to hedging in summer
- Equities: benchmark performance was achieved 100%

- SAA with Risk OverlayPLUS: optimal downside protection (holds lower limit) and quick re-entry into the market
- SAA without Risk OverlayPLUS: clearly crosses the lower limit of 92%
Please note: opportunity costs may be incurred when using an overlay. There is no guarantee that the lower limit will always be maintained. Past performance is not a benchmark for future performance.
FX OverlayPLUS / FX Overlay
The main goal of an FX Overlay is to mitigate the currency risks associated with investments in global equity, bonds and illiquid assets, like alternative investments or real estate. Based on this, Universal Investment offers rule-based currency hedging, either directly in the respective fund or centrally
in a separate overlay sub-portfolio. The sub-portfolio can potentially include a reduction in cash requirements and considerably lower costs as a result of competitive trading according to a best-execution approach. To complete the overall FX Overlay process, collateral pool management is also available.
A choice of FX Overlay structures is available:
FX OverlayPLUS – with tactical signals by Vontobel
- Reduction of the hedge ratio when signals show a positive environment
- Reduces opportunity costs from currency hedging, while keeping the volatility and drawdowns low
- Significant relief on liquidity from currency hedging
- Integration into Risk OverlayPLUS equity and fixed income possible
- Additional protection by carrying a risk budget
The simulation is based on the following assumptions: currency effects in EUR. Calculation of the results by means of hedging with 3-month FX forwards. The currency exposure is 100% USD.

Please note: opportunity costs may be incurred when using an overlay. Past performance is not a benchmark for future performance.
FX Overlay – with FX Futures / FX Forwards
- Static hedging of fixed hedge ratio
- Netting effects used at master fund level in centralised overlays
- Effective mitigation of currency risks
- Clear and transparent processes
FX Overlay – with a combination of FX Forwards and FX Options
- Innovative mechanism: hedging of currency risks using a combination of forwards and options, potentially reducing cost of carry
- Zero-cost-collar structures possible, eliminating initial premium costs for options
- SAA and FX Exposure adjustments done via forwards, adjustments to the optional structures usually not required
In addition, the administrative Master KVG vehicle provides a holistic overview of the entire currency exposure in a master fund. Illiquid structures (private equity, real estate, etc.) can be easily integrated into currency management.
Manuel Stratmann Head of Trading, and Glenn Marci, Team Head Overlay Management at Universal Investment describe the characteristics of our three overlay approaches.
Overlay approaches
come in several forms
Universal Investment’s portfolio management team presents the different aspects of overlay management.
